3.4.2. Installing SIMP From A Repository

Using the official SIMP YUM repositories is the simplest method for getting up and running with SIMP on an existing infrastructure. If you are using a virtual infrastructure, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or your own internal VM stack, this is the method that you will want to use.


This method does not modify your system’s partitioning scheme or encryption scheme to meet any regulatory policies. If you want an example of what that should look like see the Kickstart files in the simp-core Git repository. Enable EPEL


RHEL systems will need to enable the EPEL Repositories manually.

sudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install pygpgme yum-utils -y Install The SIMP-Project Repositories

Please reference How to Use the SIMP Release RPM. Rebuild The Yum Cache

sudo yum makecache Install the SIMP Server

Install the puppetserver package as follows:

sudo yum install -y puppetserver

Install the core SIMP packages as follows:

sudo yum install -y simp

The simp RPM installs the SIMP core Puppet modules and other critical SIMP assets such as its environment skeleton, custom SELinux policy, CLI, and utilities.

  • The Puppet modules are installed into /usr/share/simp and do not affect any existing Puppet environment. Other steps in the SIMP server setup will deploy the modules into a Puppet environment.

SIMP also provides a large number of ‘extra’ Puppet module packages that you can install as needed (pupmod-simp-gnome, pupmod-simp-nfs, etc.). You can discover what extra modules are available by searching for pupmod via yum. Alternatively, you can install all of the extra Puppet modules into /usr/share/simp by simply running sudo yum install -y simp-extras. Next Steps

Now that your system has been installed, you should proceed to Initial SIMP Server Configuration to complete the initial setup.